Ep. 12/ truth is your practice


Your practice isn’t “doing” something. it’s learning to clean, clear, simplify and listen for truth to come through. the part of your practice that is doing will be helpful when it’s known from that place.



You chose to incarnate in a painfully beautiful time. As the access to infinite teachers, lineages and practices has increased, so too has the seemingly chaotic stream of events on our planet. The spiritual path is no different than any other freedom we have to consume.

That means that we make purchases, we eat, we have sex based on our impulses and desires. Most of those are fed by stories and socialization. So too, this can be the nature through which we approach our spiritual endeavors. Not all practices are meant for you. Many will not be helpful and some make hurt you. Not all teachers are for you. You probably can’t afford every retreat costing thousands of dollars to become “more spiritual.”

The good news is that after you realize this, you can choose to let go of the same impulsive egoic behavior driving all of your consumption. You can in fact stop doing IT. When you realize that you can stop and in fact that stopping is your spiritual journey, then that’s when it can begin in earnest.

You clean, simplify and create spaciousness so that you can hear and feel truth. In fact your practice is doing at all. Your practice is being. Your being clean and clear and open to receive the doing of a practice IS the practice. Rituals can come and go. Teachers come and go. The openness you're being to letting them come and go freely and clearly as they are called for - that is what you do.

Start by creating spaciousness, reduce the amount of suffering your ingest in your media and food, get your house in order literally and figuratively. That is your spiritual journey. The rest be made clear from those commitments.

“You can acquire and cling to spiritual practices and identities as easily as you can sex, food and belongings.”



Ep. 12/

Truth is your practice



Ep. 13/ you can’t be anything you want to be


Ep. 11/ Finding Ram Dass & Neem Karoli Baba