
40 days of practice & ritual to evoke divinity and realization

“Purpose is in fact the purpose of living a human life.”



Sadhana in Sanskrit can be defined as the “path to perfection.” A sadhana is a traditional set of practices designed to break away from worldly attachments and the illusions of this modern life where often we “survive” instead of thriving as life itself. These experiences will help you see truths and miracles of life directly as your own experience. Ultimately it will help you discern your purpose and allow that to lovingly unfold. This can be referred to as your “dharmic path.”

The wisdom of the universe already resides inside of you - no joke! Our time together helps you clean the mirror of your heart to see clearly. You will remember what you knew intuitively as a child. And now you will combine that with the life wisdom you’ve received along this life’s journey. This will guide us to align to your highest purpose.


We’ll be working in relationship with a set of practices designed specifically for you. These incorporate aspects of breath work, meditation, readings, art, journaling, music and nature therapy. You may opt to add personalized deep nature therapy experiences @ Just Love Forest to your journey.

The first three days we will do practices together. Then every week we will commune together one on one via Zoom with an interactive meditation method called vipassana outloud. We work together in partnership for you to have your own direct experiences.

We’ll close this ritual at 40 days with a ceremony marking completion. You may choose to work with me further one on one to establish or evolve your life intentions and plans at the conclusion of the sadhana.

Initial week of pre-planning preparation is $200. This is two sessions to co-create your sadhana experiences to best align to your spiritual journey and make any necessary preparations for your sadhana to be successful before we begin. In some cases this may not be needed and we can discuss during your application call.

The energy exchange for 40 days of sadhana held in this sacred container with 8 private sessions (3 consecutive days of initial private practices together and 5 weekly private sessions) is $1,500.

Additional private sessions during sadhana are $100 each.

Personal nature therapy can be customized from these options and offered to you at reduced cost as part of your sadhana experience.

Aspects of sadhana

  • We’ll discover the way of living with intention instead of setting goals. There are big differences and it affects our ability to see and experience miracles and spontaneity of life. We’ll learn how to listen to our heart while surrendering to the perfection of the universe - again and again.

  • We’ll delve into creating spaciousness and balance within your experience of life. This includes passion, work, relationships, sleep and food. Honoring all aspects of your life experience allows for nurturing to being that’s necessary for transformation.

  • Meditation and breath. We’ll co-create a series of practices that consider the most helpful techniques for your life and disposition. There are hundreds of ways to use the breath, mind and body as tools to open you to experiencing life aligned and harmoniously.

  • Experiencing the connection of all of life is to love everyone and serve everyone. We will come closer to allowing our actions to come from self love instead of helping “others.” We will allow the universe to bring us to service instead of our mind looking for it.

  • Living life as passion from the heart is the lasting contentment we seek. Beyond the desires of the body and mind there is a deeper satisfaction that isn’t chasing fleeting achievement or excitement. Purpose and passion are the same when found in your heart space.

What do “you” do in sadhana?

We will go into your path, motivations, relationships and life lessons to hear the story of how you think you got here. But then we will go into 40 days of sacred practices unique to your journey to let go of these stories of the mind and listen to the truth in your own heart.

What I do is help you find purpose and fall back in love with living. We do this through deep listening to your heart’s intention that creates your 40 day program called a sadhana. Sadhana practice with clear intention of the heart will start to recalibrate your life for you. Your job is to do the practice with an open heart and stay out of the way of the universe. “You” aren’t going to do this. Trust.

A sadhana is a Sanskrit word that means “the way of attainment.” It’s your daily practice to transcend your ego (your mind), clean your connection to your heart and attune and make tangible steps to living in line with true purpose. This is spiritually secular which means its sacred - to you - for you. This is not the worry of any practice or lineage other than what you find within your own heart. Many false beliefs will start to fall away naturally after you start.

Finding true purpose is known as your dharma, which can also be referred to as your “dharmic path.” This sadhana can be inclusive of aspects of diet, a balanced schedule, breath work, meditation, music, service, art and nature therapy. It will be uniquely co-created between us by you.

You don’t need to believe anything for sadhana to work. The goal is stop to believing and to start to having your own direct experiences of something at work far greater than yourself. You don’t need to believe in breathing. You experience it directly and don’t argue about whether it happens. It happens with or without your story about it. So to can be the rest of life when you open to the truth of what’s there. Make sense?

I work with you virtually, in-person and most importantly in the truth of nature.

realizing your awakened state, all we have to do is clean the mirror of your heart.

— Bala